Top 10 One Hit Wonders! From actresses turned singer to inventive dance moves…stay tuned to number 1 to find out the top 10 one hit wonders, and the artists that sang them! This top 10 brought to you by Zero2Hero!! Don't forget to subscribe here! https://goo.gl/NXuChu Click here to see the Top 10 CRAZIEST Black Friday Stories! https://youtu.be/2e4Uq02jyLY Number 10: Macy Gray. Sometimes a one-hit wonder is a person who mixes a unique sound with some good lyrics and ends up with something truly special. Such is the case with Macy Gray. Gray had a one-hit wonder with "I Try", and it made her a big hit, even with a bunch of other people vying for the spotlight in those times. And while it wouldn't be fair to say that she floundered since then, it is fair to say that she never really made it past the success of that first song. For example, can you think of another Macy Gray song other than "I Try"? Or how about two other songs? Ironically, she's actually still making music, and has made 8 albums so far in her career. She even partnered up with Arianna Grande for a song, so clearly the lady is still respected in the music industry. She's also been an actress, sometimes playing herself in cameos, or doing small bits in other productions. Still, her pinnacle was "I Try", which isn't a bad thing, as it went quadruple platinum, but, it doesn't make her a legend in the music industry either. Number 9: Hoobastank. Never ever doubt the power of a songs lyrics when it speaks from the heart and shoots into the heart of people everywhere. This is the reason that Hoobastank (which if we're being honest here is a really stupid name for a band) made a name for themselves with a song called..."The Reason". Long song short, it's about a guy who realizes that he needs to start over and be a better person, and it's all because of a girl that literally showed him the way, and gave him a reason to be better. It's a very powerful love story, and it made them a big name for a little while. Emphasis on little while. For while "The Reason" was a big hit, and is probably very recognizable even to this day, after that song kind of faded out and the new music came in...Hoobastank really didn't do much else in terms of impactful music. They still made music, and they're still making it now. But none of their songs or albums have come even close to what "The Reason" was like in terms of impact. Still, they're doing what they love, making music, and doing concerts for fans. And you can bet that "The Reason" is played in every show. Number 8: Lou Bega. Before we learn about Lou and his one hit wonder, take a moment to like this video and join the Zero2Hero community by using the buttons below! Don’t forget to click that little notification bell, too, to make sure you always get notified of our newest videos! Let's be honest here, the reason why we like to talk about one-hit wonders is because their one-hits are so memorable! They are really good tracks for one reason or another and it's weird that they never really had another hit. Such is the case with the one and only Lou Bega. His hit "Mambo No.5" was actually a remake of an instrumental from 1949, believe it or not. But, he put his own spin by using it to talk about the women in his life (or his pretend women to be more accurate) and it took off like nothing else. He was so popular that people were using the song in all kinds of ways. Heck, he even had a full Saturday appearance on Kids WB where he altered his song to talk about the characters on the shows, then made original songs based on Pokemon! That's awesome! But, sadly, all things come to an end, and while he is most definitely still known for "Mambo No.5", and you can still find him doing concerts, Lou Bega really hasn't done much since. Number 7: Fountains of Wayne. Let me guess, you don't know who this is, right? Well let say to words to you, Stacy's Mom. Yep, you know who they are now, right? This group kind of came out of nowhere to deliver a new song that no one saw coming. For it wasn't about a guy loving a girl, it was a guy falling for a girl's mom! Which definitely reminds me of the series American Pie, but I'll move on. Anyway, "Stacy's Mom" was a bit hit, and it was used all over the place, and had a weird music video to match. Sadly, unlike many of the artists on this list, Fountains of Wayne honestly didn't last long after their one-hit wonder. The band tried to keep making music together, but eventually broke up. One is still in music, but not even close to the fame that they once had. Number 6: Toni Basil. Let it be known that you're never too old to make music, such as with Toni Basil. Ironically, she didn't start out as a singer, she was actually an actress and choreographer, but eventually she came up with an ultra catchy song called Mickey. It's going on in your head now, isn't it?
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