Who Was Alexander The Great?? From his rise to the throne to conquering of the world…stay tuned to number 1 to find out the history of Alexander the Great! This top 10 brought to you by Zero2Hero!! Don't forget to subscribe here! https://goo.gl/NXuChu Click here to find out 10 Facts About The Mariana Trench! https://youtu.be/Tq2P-WFHDZM Number 10: Alexander Knew Many Philosophers. When you think about Alexander the Great, there's no doubt you think about the military mastermind who conquered much of the known world at the time. But the truth is that his mind was sharp in more than just one way. When he was young, his father, King Phillip II, decided that it would be a good idea for Alexander to get to know some philosophers, and his mother agreed. And so, he was taught by no other than Aristotle. And this was ironically BEFORE Aristotle made his name in the field of philosophy. While it's unknown what exactly what taught to him, it clearly made an impact on Alexander, and not just because of how he turned out, but because of how he interacted with another philosopher of sorts, Diogenes. He was a man who believed in the very basics of life, and was more than happy to do rather odd things in order to stay alive because it was only the basics that he needed to survive. Alexander met him once in his homeland, saw his state and asked what he could do to help him. Diogenes reply? Step to the side so you can stop blocking my sunlight. Instead of lashing out at the man, he complied, and noted later that if he had not been a warrior, he might be like Diogenes. Number 9: His Father Paved The Way To His Success. Alexander was very much a man who did things his way and his tactics were a testament to his ability to read a battlefield, and its commanders, and determine what to do next. But, to say he was completely self-made would be foolhardy in the worst way. One of the biggest reasons that Alexander was a success was because of his powerful army. An army...that he didn't craft himself. Granted, he did have to get new soldiers after many conquests, but the basis of his army was established by his father, who was not only King as previously mentioned, but a military genius in his own right. He took the basics of the Greek and Macedonian armies and reforged them into something even stronger. The Greeks were known for their Phalanx formations, a tribute to the legendary Spartans, but King Philip knew that Cavalry, Siege Weapons, infantry, and more were needed to not only unify Greece (which he and Alexander did), but secure victory across many battlefields. While Alexander most definitely fulfilled his fathers dream in many ways, it was because of his father and his military reforms that allowed him to get such victories. Number 8: Alexander Did Not Inherit The Throne Easily. Before we talk about his difficult journey to the throne, take a moment to like this video and join the Zero2Hero community by using the buttons below! Alexander the Great was many things, but a pureblood son of King Phillip II he was not. In fact, his mother was from the land known as Epirus, and because of this, Alexander was half-blood, and in the ancient days, half-blood children didn't get the same rights as "pureblood" children. So, when King Philip II was assassinated by one of his own bodyguards, a civil war of sorts started up to see who would take his throne. Alexander was but one of many contenders for the throne, and this led to many bloody battles that cost many lives. Including the lives of some of Phillip's other wives and children, including one daughter. Even when Alexander secured the throne for himself temporarily, he then had to fight off other rebellions to secure his position. Once those were dealt with, only then did he truly begin to rule. And the rest of that, as they say, is history. Number 7: Undefeated. You may have heard legends about how Alexander the Great was never defeated in a battle in regards to his conquests. And that is actually quite true. This is one of the reasons that he was called "Alexander The Great", because he was so great in terms of his military and tactical prowess that no one could honestly defeat him. For example, when he took on the Persians, under the reign of King Darrius III, Alexander found his troops outnumbered 2 to 1. But, because of how he outfitted his armies with a powerful Phalanx division that was 15,000 strong, and the Persians had no counter to their long spears, they were able to chop them down slowly but surely, and eventually, win them the battle. For 15 years, Alexander the Great marched across parts of Europe and Asia in order to gain more lands for himself and his people. It was only after he went into India that things started to turn sour. But not in terms of losses, but rather, his men started to rebel against him. And eventually, he died of Malaria at the young age of 32.
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