Top 10 Times the World should have ENDED!! List of crazy world events! When you come to think of it, the Earth has been extremely lucky throughout its existence. So many terrible things could have happened to it, but it lingers on. Here are Top 10 times the world could have ended. Stay tuned to number 1 to find out what disaster could change life on earth as we know it...at any time! This list of end times world events brought to you by Zero2Hero! Don't forget to subscribe here! https://goo.gl/NXuChu Speaking of science...These are some theories ATTRIBUTED to science...but are they? The Craziest theories of Pseudoscience! https://youtu.be/p-EA0hTEX_I Number 10: The 1859 Solar Storm. This event took place in August and September of 1859, with a number of solar flares reaching Earth. The geomagnetic storm managed to reach the planet in less than 20 hours, and it arrived in the dead of night. People in North America were so amazed that they thought it was actually morning, because of all the brightness – that’s how strong the solar flare was. Although this event did not end up destroying the planet, it definitely caused massive havoc. Many telegraph poles actually caught fire, and the telegraph services in North America were completely disrupted. The strange thing is that some telegraph poles actually kept working, although they were cut off from their power supply. The event was also visible from the Sub-Saharan Africa, Hawaii, Cuba, and many more. In 1859, there weren’t very many telegraph cables, and the telephone hadn’t yet been invented, therefore, the damage – luckily – was not so big. But if the same thing happened today, it would likely destroy all the communication networks we have due to electromagnetic damage, and scientists estimate that the damage would be more than 2 trillion dollars. Number 9. Mount Tambora Eruption. In 1815, the Indonesian volcano of Tambora erupted so massively that it almost changed the Earth’s climate and its population. The magma that came out of the volcano was more than 24 cubic miles in volume. But it wasn’t the most destructive aspect of the whole Tambora eruption. Because of this dreadful event, a lot of toxic waste went into the atmosphere. Later on, the toxic gas turned into an enormous collection of toxic clouds, which engulfed the planet and dropped acid rains. As a result of the volcanic eruption, the Earth’s surface began cooling, and the year of 1816 was known in Europe and the America as the “summer-less year”. In June of that year, snowfall was recorded in England – that’s how drastic the changes in climate were. The Tambora event is probably the largest recorded volcanic eruption in the history of the world, and it’s also the most devastating, as it resulted in the passing of more than 70,000 people. Around 10,000 died directly from the consequences of the eruption, but the largest part died because of climate changes and the resulting famine. Number 8. The Bonilla Comet. The Bonilla comet was named after the astronomer Jose Bonilla, who observed a strange event through his telescope. What Bonilla saw could have had catastrophic consequences, and the Earth survived by having pure cosmic luck. On August 12, 1883, Bonilla saw a huge comet that kept breaking up and sending hundreds of smaller pieces towards the Earth’s atmosphere. Bonilla managed to make a couple of photographs of the event, documenting it for future generations. In 2011, scientists researched this event once again, and concluded that these small, broken-up objects could have easily been parts of a huge, billion-ton comet that came very close to planet Earth. It is estimated that, if one of those pieces hit the Earth’s surface, the result would be an impact similar to the one from the famous Tunguska event of 1908 – when a meteoroid hit the surface and felled 80 million trees. But given the fact that there were literally hundreds, if not thousands of pieces flying close to our atmosphere, it could have destroyed the planet. The numerous pieces of the Bonilla probably came as close as 400 miles to the planet earth, which is a pretty darn close shave in cosmic distances. Number 7: Comet Hyakutake. This comet was discovered in 1996, and it was the nearest comet to pass the Earth in the last 200 years. It was also known as the Great Comet of 1996. The amazing thing is that this comet was visible clearly from the Earth’s surface, and there are many photographs that documented this event. It was discovered not by a professional astronomer, but by an amateur from Japan. Yuji Hyakutake was interested in comets, and he spent years researching them. It’s interesting that this is actually the second comet Hyakutake found. In 1995, he also found a comet, but one year after, when he was looking at the first one – he found another one, which was almost in the same position as the first Hyakutake comet.
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